Friday, April 20, 2012

It has been too long since I last updated the blog. We have gone through two more treatments since my last blog update.  Both treatments brought with them the usual symptoms of fatigue and nausea, but this time accompanied with the wonderful symptoms that come with allergy season.  It has helped tremendously to have Jason’s mother keep the children for a couple of days when I go in for chemo.  The rest I get those first few days after treatment is crucial to how I feel the rest of the week.  Jason and my parents have been a huge help here as well in helping take care of the children and allowing me to get the rest I need.  I am so blessed with an incredible support group.   This last treatment, which was this past Monday, marked the end of my first “round” of chemo.  I was to get 2 drugs for 4 treatments, every other week.  Monday was the last of those 4. I will begin a new drug (Taxol) on April 30th and will be receiving chemo weekly for 12 weeks.  This should then mark the end of my treatments.  I must admit I will sorely miss my weeks off in between treatments.  It has been quite nice to get a week where I would feel as close to normal as possible.  But the sooner we can get treatments over with, the better! So I am ready to tackle this new schedule. I will meet with my oncologist on Monday to further discuss this next round of treatments.  With every appointment I have had with him, he has been well pleased with how I have handled treatments so far.  I am maintaining my weight and my white blood cell count has been good and steady.  I still get a Neulasta shot the day after each treatment to boost my white blood cell count.  He hasn’t had to give me any additional shots as my levels have been satisfactory.  This is very good.  I am hoping to be able to keep this up for the next 12 weeks.  This past month brought with it bittersweet moments.  Bitter being the reach of a new milestone.  I turned 30 on March 28th!!!  I can hardly believe it.  I was always a bit afraid of this number, but turns out I feel just the same as I did when I was 29.  So not such a big deal after all.  The sweetness of this moment was the surprise arrival of my older sister Melanie, who lives in Montreal, Canada. She surprised me the night of my birthday, and surprise me she did!  I frightened my son as I screamed so loud when I saw her walk through the threshold. Jason said Jaden almost leaped out of his arms he was so startled by my reaction.  I consider my siblings (my own and my husband’s) my best friends and being able to celebrate with her was the best present I could’ve ever asked for.  I am so grateful to her husband for holding down the fort back home so she could come.  As if that wasn’t surprise enough, a few days after my sister left, my brother Etienne and his wife Melany came in from Montreal as well for yet another surprise visit.  It was so incredible to be able to spend time with such loved ones so unexpectedly. A sweet reunion it was. Turning 30 ended up not being so bad after all!